BWH Hotels Italy and Malta actively support brand growth while promoting social and environmental responsibility to meet the demands of an increasingly conscious customer base and safeguard the local environment. The hotel network undertakes various initiatives to provide more sustainable stays, including energy efficiency, reducing single-use plastics, monitoring and limiting CO2 emissions, and enhancing accessibility and inclusivity.

Stay for the Planet

Stay for the Planet is a program based on a Standard recognized by GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council), the organization that establishes and guides standards for sustainable development in the global travel and tourism sector

The initiative is part of a strategy aimed at reducing the impact of the hotel industry. It involves the promotion of virtuous practices and the implementation of a monitoring and improvement system for the environmental and social performance of hotels participating in the program. "Stay For The Planet" represents an important tool for managing, measuring progress and supporting the hotel chain on its path towards a more responsible hospitality model. The program is based on a sustainability rating developed by the scientific committee of LifeGate, which assigns a score from 1 to 5, expressed in leaves, reflecting the environmental and social performance of the hotels across the following impact areas:

ENERGY: Sources and consumption of electricity and heating, energy efficiency of the building and equipment.

WATER: Consumption of potable water (for dining, rooms, facilities, etc.) and water conservation.

WASTE: Production and types of waste, waste disposal management, and prevention actions.

PURCHASES: Procurement of raw materials, service materials, and durable goods with a lower environmental impact.

BEHAVIORS: Supplier logistics organization, management of staff and customer mobility, guest awareness, and connection to sustainable initiatives in the area.

PEOPLE: Dedicated to best practices implemented in hotels related to staff development, accessibility, and inclusivity.

The results of the “Stay for the Planet” program are an integral part of the first ESG Report. The document illustrates BWH Hotels Italy and Malta's commitment to a sustainability model that, in addition to aiming to reduce the impact of its activities, builds and nurtures positive relationships with all stakeholders, from employees to guests, and to local communities.

View the 2022 Impact Report of BWH Hotels Italy and Malta's

View the 2023 sustainability report of BWH Hotels Italy and Malta's